Iris Berman in NYC at The Back Fence on January 8, 2006
(Video by Roxanne Hoffman)/

by Iris Berman
soft cover/saddle stitched/24 pp.
$10.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Credit: Bayridge Film Center, Brooklyn
Iris Berman is a graduate of Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont and also attended The Art Students League in Manhattan. Her major influence was Richard Pousette-Dart from whom she learned much about art and spirituality. Her artwork has been exhibited in several solo and many group exhibitions. After many years of not writing, she walked into a poetry reading and started writing again. She has since studied with Louise Gluck, Barry Goldensohn and William Packard to name just a few. Her most recent workshop was led by Patrick Rosal at Poets House.
She has published locally in journals such as Rogue Scholars' Rogue Gallery, Nomads Choir, Home Planet News, Park Slope Poetry Project’s Erato, and nationally in Song of the San Joaquin and Backstreet Poets Quarterly. She has appeared at open mics and has been a featured reader at many poetry venues throughout New York City.>
Click Here to read review of this book from
Small Press Review, Sept - Oct 2007, Vol. 39, Nos. 9 - 10, Issues 416 - 417, Reviews, "Magic" by Linda Lerner

It was the little girl’s hair They worried about Shining, golden nuggets Of light leaping from strand To strand It made them afraid, curious, Awesome, dumbstruck, blind, In hate and in love So they hid her away Forbid her to leave The dark and lonely room And there she sat Year after year Framed in the backlit Picture window Singing to herself And the birds answered back One spring day A fine young man Followed the beautiful music To the one in the window The old ones were afraid They sent her far away To a barren desert Where she wouldn’t stray But a song filled with the lute And the flute and dancing in May Possessed the young man Led him to her little house And there they stay Together to this day. |

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