Publishing beautifully designed volumes of well-crafted poetry -- and now fiction -- you want to read, since October 2006 from Hoboken, NJ, birthplace of Frank Sinatra and professional baseball.
Have you had your poetry today? Get your brain fuel from Poets Wear Prada!
With pitch-perfect pacing and an intimate colloquial voice, THE SLIP reads as engagingly novelistic even as these memoiristic vignettes are untamed by wit and scathing humor. Ouch. The poems are at once revealing yet winningly imaginative as they reignite myth—there’s even a bisexual Orpheus here who helps Montlack to rewrite the past while instructing, bruising, and exposing suburbia’s lingering melancholy.
—PETER COVINO, author of Cut Off the Ears of Winter, winner of PEN/America Osterweil Prize
The many moods of THE SLIP, from fabulous to funny to frenetic, announce the arrival of a promising new voice that can express, with consummate sensitivity and verve, the sorrows and celebrations of our complicated queerness. When Michael Montlack writes, he can make us sing or break our hearts. Each poem is a veritable “kiss of the artist”—passionate and memorable.
—Rigoberto González, author of Other Fugitives and Other Strangers
Michael Montlack's THE SLIP situates us in the middle of a life, threading together joys and sorrows. Some of the comic moments will truly make you laugh out loud. And at times, you'll get horribly wistful. Such is the richness of this collection.
—D. A. Powell, author of Chronic
THE SLIP by Michael Montlack ISBN 978-0-9841844-2-2 soft cover/saddle stitch/32 pp. $10.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Photo Credit: Nicolas Arellano
Michael Montlack is the editor of the essay anthology My Diva: 65 Gay Men on the Women Who Inspire Them (University of Wisconsin Press, 2009) and the author of two other poetry chapbooks: Cover Charge (Winner of the 2007 Gertrude Prize) and Girls, Girls, Girls (Pudding House, 2008).
Wierzbicki's poems are like early Corso, before the Beats, when he got straight to the point quickly, with great beauty. Her words carry the necessary freight with terrific speed and economy--look how spare and yet terribly lovely "Dorothy's Poem" is--it breaks your heart with absolute efficiency. If poetry is to proceed into the future with any sort of relevancy, this is one way it might do so.
—RON KOLM, co-author of Neo Phobe (with Jim Feast)
Carol Wierzbicki’s TOP TEEN GREATEST HITS is a big hit. In each of her fourteen poems, Ms. Wierzbicki mastered the technique of storytelling through perception and simplicity—her rite of passage to be read and shared by all.
—PATRICA CARRAGON, author of Journey to the Center of My Mind, and host of the Brownstone Poets Reading Series
TOP TEEN GREATEST HITS Poems by Carol Wierzbicki ISBN 978-0-9817678-7-1 soft cover/saddle stitch/15 pp. $8.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Photo Credit: Pieter van Hattem
Carol Wierzbicki has run poetry reading series at ABC No Rio and elsewhere in New York City. Her work has been published in Long Shot, The Cafe Review, Public Illumination, and Evergreen Review, and in the Unbearables anthologies Unbearables (1995), Crimes of the Beats (1998), and Help Yourself! (2002), published by Autonomedia. She also is an editor of the Unbearables anthology, The Worst Book I Ever Read (Autonomedia). She compiled and edited Stories from the Infirmary (Universal Publishers,1999), an anthology of fiction and poetry on chronic illness. Her book reviews have appeared in The Brooklyn Rail and American Book Review.
Poetry again prevails – the subject this time, coping with time and our mortality. Elsasser has accomplished some beautifully written and memorable work here, weaving words about the waxing of our years and waning of our bodies, and where it leaves us.
—EVIE IVY, The First Woman Who Danced and Dinner With The Muse, the Anthology of the Green Pavilion Poetry Event
David Elsasser's a dangerous poet. His art is patient observation of what happens when time passes and we are not looking. He nails it “past where rails meet.” What images! Watch your back, these rites of passage are not for children.
—GEORGE SPENCER, Co-host of the Phoenix Reading Series
LAST CALL by David Elsasser ISBN 978-0-9817678-8-8 (soft cover/saddle stitched/30 pp.) $8.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Photo Credit: Su Polo
David M. Elsasser co-hosts the weekly Saturn Series poetry reading in Manhattan. LAST CALL celebrates his generation’s present moment of deliberation.
“A trigonometry of sensation, a performance of hands” leads the reader through this sweeping, elegiac sequence of poems. And like Muybridge’s freeze-frames, this sequence slows the locomotion of regret and awe, allowing the reader to become witness to the mechanism of remembrance. These poems seem not written, but conjured, as if imprinted by a mind alive to the “tiny, Zen-bell voice,” insisting that questions reveal more than answers.
—DEAN KOSTOS, Author of The Sentence That Ends with a Comma, and Last Supper of the Senses
Karen Neuberg’s marvelous accomplishment in DETAILED STILL is that each poem is like a tiny mirrored room that reflects and refracts experience, evoking all the complications of memory and desire. Her gift is to find the connection between feeling and thought; each poem takes place in a synapse between brain and body, curiously both abstract and concrete simultaneously. Time is this poet’s subject, and how desire is quickened or lost over time, and how we understand that only through memory. What a welcome debut this is for our American poetry.
—MOLLY PEACOCK, Author of The Second Blush (WW Norton, 2008)
DETAILED STILL by Karen Neuberg ISBN 978-0-9817678-6-4 soft cover/saddle stitched/18 pp. $8.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Photo Credit: Alan Neuberg
Karen Neuberg’s poems have appeared in several journals and anthologies including Barrow Street, 42Opus, Boxcar Poetry Review, Columbia Poetry Review, Louisville Review, Stirring, and Riverine, An Anthology of Hudson Valley Writers (Codhill Press). A Pushcart and Best of the Net Nominee, she holds an MFA from the New School and is an associate editor for Inertia Magazine. She lives with her husband in Brooklyn, NY and West Hurley, NY.
In a quietly seductive voice Lisella takes the reader on journey after journey, to exotic locales like Havana, Venice and Dubrovnik, places steeped in myth and bloodshed. With crystalline descriptions reminiscent of Elizabeth Bishop, she mixes the haunted elegance of the old world and the disturbed consumerism of the new. TWO NAKED FEET is brilliantly wired with the tension of paradox. It is about exile and the movement of peoples, the destruction and pastiche of cultures, the chasm between the idealized world and the colloquial one. Lisella writes with depth and simplicity. Her “I” rarely steps outside of the observing eye to become autobiographical, and yet the poems are remarkable for their passion.
—STEPHANIE DICKINSON Award-winning author of Half Girl and Road of Five Churches
TWO NAKED FEET by Maria Lisella ISBN 978-0-9841844-1-5 soft cover/saddle-stitched/24 pp. $8.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Photo Credit: Stillman Rogers
Maria Lisella is Program Coordinator for the IAWA readings at the Cornelia St. Café, and is co-editing an anthology based on those readings. She lives in Long Island City and was a finalist in the competition for Poet Laureate of Queens in 2007. A longtime travel writer, she currently edits a national travel trade magazine and is a member of the New York Travel Writers Association.
In these clear forecasts of the recent past, Erik La Prade frees the reader to say an eternal Aloha to his phantom New York, a place everyone thinks they know and own, and its “remnants of an unenclosed frontier." All times happen at once here, which is why it takes so long to get across town, and which is also why nothing stays ripped up for long, and everything reverts to the “lived-in look.” A companionable observer inhabits these poems. Why not stay a while?
— Jordan Davis
By its sheer dazzling wit, gorgeous word play and poignant insight, SWATCHES delivers a great winking comeuppance to the American poetry establishment. His verse provides the sort of heartfelt vision quite absent from the bulk of today's poetry: a sophisticated almost epistolatory sense of intimacy shared from his innermost being; a private history that unfolds against the backdrop of New York City and its public events. Here are love and loss, friendship, memory, aspiration and the tasks of living conveyed in terms that evoke the larger urban setting and that prove the city to be nothing less then the reflection and echoes of our own inner selves and struggle.
—Alan Kaufman, author of Matches; editor of The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry
SWATCHES by Erik La Prade ISBN 978-0-9817678-1-9 Soft Cover, Saddle Stitched, 19 pp. $8.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Erik La Prade has a B.A and an M.A. from City College. His first book, Things Maps Don't Show, was published in 1995, and his second, Figure Studies, was published in 1999. Some of his poems have appeared in Fish Drum, Night Magazine, The Hat, The Reading Room, The New York Times, and Artist and Influence. He also has articles and interviews in The Brooklyn Rail, Captured: A History of Film and Video On The Lower East Side, and The Outlaw Bible of American Essays.
GRANDPA'S WINE is written where people make a life among the ruins of a shattered world. Feelings and memories take the place of an old coherence, now lost and never to be replaced. Gil Fagiani’s poems inhabit this world’s poignancy, searching its sorrows with unimpeachable candor and a spare language that perfectly suits its straightforward tastes and its undervalued satisfactions. —Bob Viscusi, author of Astoria: A Novel, and An Oration Upon the Most Recent Death of Christopher Columbus
Gil Fagiani’s poems celebrate the older generation of Italian immigrants as they collide with America, as they simultaneously hold to old ways and forge new identities. His lean lines describe without judgment, like my grandmother tasting her sister-in-law's rosemary tomato sauce every Sunday, “good, good, good enough,” she would purr. This collection hums with love, but it is a love born of mastery of the ingredients, and the application of great discipline and control. —Angelo Verga, author of A Hurricane Is, and 33 New York City Poems
GRANDPA'S WINE by Gil Fagiani ISBN 978-0-9817678-2-6 Soft cover,Saddle stitched,17 pp. $8.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Photo Credit: Maria Lisella
Gil Fagiani’s poetry collection, Rooks is set at Pennsylvania Military College in the 1960s (Rain Mountain Press, 2007); his chapbook, Crossing 116th Street: A Blanquito in El Barrio was published by Skidrow Penthouse in 2004. He has translated poetry written from Italian, Abruzzese dialect, and Spanish into English. He co-hosts the monthly literary reading of the Italian American Writers’ Association at the Cornelia Street Café, and is Associate Editor of Feile-Festa: A Literary Arts Journal. Fagiani is a social worker by profession, and directs a residential treatment program for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts in Downtown Brooklyn.
Listen to Gil Fagiani reading during National Poetry Month, April 2007,WNYC Newsroom, New York, NY
George Held's inexhaustible subject is the moon in all its phases, and he treats it with a quiet ear-pleasing lyricism and an impressive range. His moons shine on the world, and, bathed in their various lights, his imagination shines on the subjects it conjures and illuminates.
—Michael Graves, Illegal Border Crosser (Cervená Barva Press)
and Adam and Cain (Black Buzzard Press)
by George Held
ISBN 978-0-9817678-0-2
Soft Cover, Perfect Bound, 34 pp.
George Held
George Held is the author of 10 poetry collections and the editor of the anthology Touched by Eros. A five-time nominee for the Pushcart Prize, he has published his stories, poems, book reviews, and translations in such places as The Philadelphia Inquirer, Circumference, The Notre Dame Review, Commonweal, Connecticut Review, and Confrontation. His most recent poetry chapbook, The Art of Writing and Others, appeared in September 2007 from Finishing Line Press. In December 2007, his poem “Aftermath” was read by Garrison Keillor on The Writer’s Almanac. He has co-edited The Ledge Poetry and Fiction Magazine since 1991, the same year he joined the executive board of The South Fork Natural History Society and Museum (Bridgehampton, NY). A Fulbright lecturer in Czechoslovakia 1973-76, he retired as a professor of English at Queens College in 2004. Held resides in Greenwich Village with his wife, Cheryl.
To watch a video of George Held reading his poetry visit
The Full Pink Moon
O Moon, you’re about the right distance
From Earth, far enough to avoid the stinks
And turmoils but too far to smell the flowers
Or see their yellows, reds, and pinks
Or witness Earthlings’ occasional kindness
And not too far to view a nuclear holocaust
Or a sand storm in the growing desert
If it’s on the side that’s facing you.
How I love to see your bland face
Rising above it all, like a discus
Or Communion wafer or sign of God’s
Indifference or maybe of His
Or Her distant benevolence,
If the pious even notice
You. Just stay where you are,
Hanging out up there in the black,
So blank yet so mimetic,
So void yet so iconic.
April's full moon gets its name from the herb moss pink,
is one of the earliest widespread flowers of spring
The poems in HEAVENLY BODIES deftly blend mythology, cosmology, and family romance (or are these all the same?) into a mix at once familiar and strange. Cool and precise, Weinraub's poems never miss a beat or waste a word. —Rachel Hadas, author of River of Forgetfulness and Halfway Down the Hall.
Like the planets they contemplate, these poems, while rotating on their own axis, orbit around the stars of birth, desire, and death. Though they are transfixed by celestial rocks, they are also moved by the smell of quinces, pears, and apples. Cool alabaster on the outside, inside they are made of “Galilean sea.” This slender collection encompasses, to paraphrase Yeats, the heavens in a womb. —Jee Leong Koh, Author of Payday Loans.
This is a book to remind us of the age-old task of the poet. The poems in HEAVENLY BODIES find in familiar words a genealogy that leads back to miracles and myths. Weinraub's wry association of ancient miracles and contemporary life refresh our language and sharpen the taste of experience. —Peter Wood, Professor Emeritus, The College of New Jersey.
HEAVENLY BODIES Poems by Richard Marx Weinraub Illustrations by Roxanne Hoffman ISBN 978-0-9817678-4-0 (soft cover/19 pp.) $10.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Related to the Marx Brothers through his mother, Richard Marx Weinraub was born in New York City in 1949. He was educated in New Jersey and Oregon, receiving an MFA and a PhD from the University of Oregon. Weinraub has been teaching literature and creative writing courses at the University of Puerto Rico in San Juan since 1987. Some of his poems have recently appeared in Asbestos, CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Faden, The Paris Review, POUI, Soul Fountain and Slate. A book of his poetry, a sonovella entitled Wonder Bread Hill, was published in 2002 by the University of Puerto Rico Press. It has been translated into Spanish by Elidio La Torre Lagares and the Spanish edition is forthcoming from Terranova Press.
Start player below to list to Richard Marx Weinraub's reading of his poem "The Ball of Earth and Heaven" as recorded for SLATE Magazine (Posted Tuesday, May 22, 2007, at 6:50 AM ET).
We really enjoy your use of imagery, descriptive language and insight.
—Pat Swenson, Editor Emeritus, Avocet, A Journal of Nature Poems
GREEN RAIN Poems by Mary Orovan ISBN 978-0-9817678-5-7 soft cover, saddle stitch, 20 pp. $8.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Besides being wonderful poems they have an undercurrent, sometimes a flood-tide of sensuality, Eros and Thanatos, which gives the book a life above and beyond the beautiful words. —George Spencer, Co-host of ABC No Rio
Mary Orovan was Features Editor of US Camera Magazine, and taught in the Humanities Department at Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY.
Her poems have appeared in Avocet, A Journal of Nature Poems, as well as in Amoskeag, The Fourth River, Freshwater, Hidden Oak, Main Channel Voices, 13th Moon and the two peace anthologies, Poetry for Peace (SandStar Publications, 2002) and Echoes from the Heart, edited by Tycho Thal for the Twin Towers Orphan Fund, 2003.
She's pictured here in a favorite spot in Central Park's wild Ramble where she comes to observe the tapestry of life that informs her work.
Start player below to list to Mary Orovans's reading of her poem "Brash" at the Bowery Poetry Club, NYC on New Year's Day 2008. (Originally published in Avocet, A Journal of Nature Poems, Summer, 2008)
Bob Heman's Cone "pulls magic out of the rabbit and stuffs it into his hat" so readers will experience the same when they loosen their grip on logic to step into the marvelous...
CONE INVESTIGATES by Bob Heman Second Edition ISBN 978-0-9841844-0-8 E-book, 24 pp. AUGUST 2009 FREE
Credit: Ed Barnas
Bob Heman's prose poems have appeared in numerous publications including Sentence, Paragraph, Quick Fiction, First Intensity, The Prose Poem: An International Journal, Caliban, Artful Dodge, key satch(el), Hanging Loose, Center, and Lost and Found Times and have been translated into Arabic, Spanish and Hungarian. Since 1971, he has published and edited the often experimental magazine CLWN WR (formerly Clown War). He lives in Brooklyn. His collection How It All Began is available from Quale Press ( as a free e-book.
Click my Hypster playlist to hear my entire interview by Art Waves Host Anne Cammon on WKCR FM NY, originally aired on Friday August 24, 2007 at 9PM EST.
Bright-Eyed by Sarah Sarai Poets Wear Prada: March 1, 2024 ISBN-13: 978-1946116284 Paperback: 60 pages List Price: $18.00 (unsigned)
Thirty-two poems recall this native New Yorker’s childhood relocation with her family to sunny California (The San Fernando Valley); growing up on the West Coast in the 1960s — as a preteen, teen, and young adult; and her responses to her new surroundings and the times. Several poems explore interracial tension and coexistence from the viewpoint of a young person whose older sister created an interracial family. The poet explores her relationships with her nephew, niece, and brother-in-law from the perspectives of both family and race. If you like the work of Diane Wakoski or James Broughton, you will enjoy the whim and wit of this book.
With Sarah Sarai’s Bright-Eyed, I’m reminded of the Miles Davis idea that music’s not the notes but the attitude of s/he who blows the notes, and this book of poems is filled with attitude. It’s a joyride through the old neighborhood informed by a vital wit that ranges from Sun Ra to Nietzsche and drops aphorisms the way Hansel and Gretel dropped crumbs — “My past doesn’t haunt me. / I haunt my past.”; “youth is a superpower”; “To have a self / That’s an art”; and on and on — reminding us, if we need reminding, that you can’t go home again, but you do anyway. — TIM TOMLINSON, author of This Is Not Happening to You; co-founder, New York Writers Workshop
Get your brain fuel! Purchase your copy of the paperback edition from Amazon today:
Good Housekeeping by Bruce E. Whitacre Poets Wear Prada: April 1, 2024 ISBN-13: 978-1-946116-27-7 Paperback: 56 pages Price: $18 (unsigned); $20 (signed)
The contradictions of privilege and want, the dynamics of gay marriage, the joy of a good cocktail — all enter the mix as these 24 poems explore home, marriage, travel, war, sensuality, tea, and, yes, housekeeping. Selected as an Editor’s Pick by BookLife Reviews, Good Housekeeping includes “The Fold Out Couch,” which was nominated for a 2024 Pushcart Prize. Some poems have appeared in The Journal of American Poetry, The Mandarin Magazine, and World Literature Today, among other places. Mainstream audiences, LGBTQA+, and readers interested in social justice or climate issues will enjoy this book. Comparative titles include Carolyn Forché’s In the Lateness of the World and Mark Wunderlich’s God of Nothingness.
“A joyful and precise exploration of the queer domestic, a long love explored in four decades of devotion and routine. By turns playful, erotic, and nostalgic, these poems map out a fully lived life, punctuated by dishes to serve and dishes to wash. Whitacre's dazzling formalism and gorgeous soundwork carry this book forward with a gentle power, like the wind in a sail.” — JASON SCHNEIDERMAN, author of Hold Me Tight
Fall 2021 Releases: Present Imperfect by Ona Gritz
Present Imperfect by Ona Gritz Poets Wear Prada: Fall 2021 ISBN-13: 978-1-946116-23-9 Paperback: 104 pages List Price: $15.00
This debut essay collection by Ona Gritz, NY Times-published writer and longtime columnist for Literary Mama, reads like a blockbuster movie. There is a heroine with cerebral palsy, likeable and indefatigable. There is family conflict, romance, and true crime. Ona writes on disability, family dynamics, and the murder of her sister's family with candor and passion. A critically acclaimed essayist, two Notable mentions by Robert Atwan, The Best American Essays, a Best Life Story in Salon, among the recent accolades, Ms. Gritz has gathered some of the best of her work from the NY Times Disability series, The Rumpus, Brevity, and more for this fine and most riveting read.
[These] essays and their attentive questions contain rich textures, with many moments of humor in the midst of hope, pain, and insight. ... Gritz's approaches to storytelling are subtle and detailed, while always attentive to large-scale issues and patterns. .... As readers, we are asked to join with Gritz in her descriptions of her disability experiences: her hemispheres, in myriad aspects. I was reminded of how the well-worn question, "why can't I be like everyone else?" becomes "why should I?" Gritz's striking, relatable essays affected me deeply. -- LAURA ANNE SPENCER, Wordgathering
Get your brain fuel! Purchase your copy of the $15 paperback edition today:
or Go Green with a Kindle Edition for only $9.99 ($5.01 off the $15 paperback price, over a 30% savings!):
Long-awaited reissue of David Elsasser's 2009 classic chapbook, Last Call
Last Call by David Elsasser Poets Wear Prada: 2009, 2020 ISBN-13: 978-0981767-88-8 Paperback: 33 pages List Price: $12.00
David Elsasser celebrates a generation’s moment of deliberation. Born during the post–World War II baby boom, a period of economic prosperity from 1946 to 1964, his generation, known for breaking with tradition and redefining values, is now reaching retirement age. One of approximately 76 million contributing to the Graying of America, the shift in population from forever young to Immitigably gray panther, Elsasser muses on the coming of old age in his debut poetry collection, a chapbook classic, first released in 2009, yet pertinent and still most entertaining today.
POETRY HOT OFF THE PRESS: Manhattan Moments by Rosalie Calabrese
Manhattan Moments by Rosalie Calabrese Poets Wear Prada: 2020 ISBN-13: 978-0997981-14-8 Paperback: 52 pages List Price: $12.00
Management Consultant for the Arts, native New Yorker, and a frequently anthologized Poet — counting the New York Times and Cosmopolitan Magazine among her nearly 100 publication credits — Rosalie Calabrese shares her love affair with Manhattan in twenty-nine memorable vignettes.
A smorgasbord of memories and images for addicts of New York City ... [by] a wry, experienced, quizzical, compassionate, knowing woman who staunchly maintains the innocent eye. — CAROL JOCHNOWITZ, former Production Editor of Jewish Currents
Sassy yet introspective observations of an anything but jaded New York native ... this is a joyous, lyrical diary of urban life. — IRIS LEE, Author of Urban Bird Life
HOT OFF THE PRESS! New Anthology of Women's Voices from Editor/Activist Daniela Gioseffi
#Me Too, Anch'io Edited by Daniela Gioseffi Poets Wear Prada: 2020 ISBN-13: 978-1946116-08-6 Paperback: 112 pages List Price: $12.00
Twenty-three Italian American women writers respond to #MeToo, sharing their thoughts and experiences through poetry and personal essays. Edited with a foreword by Daniela Gioseffi.
Here you’ll find antidotes to apathy and calls for the compassion that just might help us rid humanity of the evils of accepting gender injustice. — FRED L GARDAPHÉ
In telling their stories, this anthology affords these Italian women the ability to free themselves from the agony of a story untold! — ANTHONY JULIAN TAMBURRI
MEOWKU by Patricia Carragon Poets Wear Prada: 2019 ISBN-13: 978-1-946116-21-5 Paperback: 46 pages List Price: $12.00
Patricia Carragon, author of Urban Haiku and More, and probably close to a thousand published Haiku, Senryū, Hay(Na)Ku, and other very short poetic forms, returns with a collection of meditations and observations, often poignant, often humorous, all deftly penned, and all inspired by her favorite muse, our sphinx-like companion, the CAT. Not only will you find her Meowku engaging but she has also included superb examples of her photo- graphy to futher enhance the reader’s experience.
New Poetry from New Voices: Emerging Poet Robert Anthony Gibbons
FLIGHT by Robert Anthony Gibbons Poets Wear Prada: 2019 ISBN-13: 978-1-946116-07-9 Paperback: 36 pages List Price: $12.00
New York-based performance poet, native Floridian, recent MFA graduate and Cave Canem Fellow Robert Anthony Gibbons takes us on a transcontinental and transformative voyage, sweeping and spectacular, across the United States in search of America and self. Seventeen poems log his observations and meditations on the national psyche and his own as Gibbons quits the confines of urban life for spacious and sunny skies, Lincoln's logs, Georgia O’Keefe's cow skulls, the Wishram man's papoose -- only to lose nativism, rediscovering Walt Whitman's passage to India, while establishing his own unique voice and prominent place in literary America.
Hot Off the Press: A New Expanded Edition of Doctor Cone from Bob Heman!
Cone Transformed: Twenty-One Episodes from the Remarkable Life of Doctor Ephrastus Cone Medieval Metaphysician & Conjuror as recorded by Bob Heman Poets Wear Prada: 2021 ISBN-13: 978-1946116222 Paperback: 40 pages List Price: $12.00
As usual, Heman treats his audience to filet mignonettes of metaphysical sojourns, weaving narratives skillfully and witfully into poetic prosies. — CAROL NOVACK, founder of Mad Hatters’ Review
Hot of the Press: Poet and Artist Collaborate! New Illustrated Poem for Young Adults (of All Ages)
The Little Entomologist a poem by Roxanne Hoffman with illustrations by Edward Odwitt Poets Wear Prada: 2018 ISBN-13: 978-1-946116-03-1 Paperback: 24 pages List Price: $12.00
Poet Roxanne Hoffman and Artist Edward Odwitt (aka Shawn Christopher Martin) team up, once again, for their long-awaited second book of poetry. Cathy Buburuz, Editor of Champagne Shivers calls “The Little Entomologist”: “a fascinating little poem.” B. R. Lyon, author of You Are White Inside, curator of Hydrogen Jukebox, says: “It’s a keeper! I mean, 'keepsie'!” For Young Adults (of all ages) — and the little monster in all of us.
April Reads: More Short Fiction by Iris N. Schwartz; SHAME: And Other Stories
Shame: And Other Stories by Iris N. Schwartz Poets Wear Prada: 2019 ISBN-13: 978-1-946116-01-7 Paperback: 72 pages List Price: $12.00
Iris N. Schwartz uses her razor-sharp prose to write about what no one wants to talk about. Here are 15 unforgettable, fiercely honest, sometimes darkly comic, more often unnerving stories about the human struggle to conceal, circumvent, and transcend shame. Successively Iris's pen goes in and twists -- till you say uncle and confess your shames. Cathartic!
Autumn Reads: More Poetry by George Held: Second Sight, Available September 2019.
Second Signt: Poems by George Held Poets Wear Prada: 2019 ISBN: 978-1-946116-02-4 Paperback: 40 pages List Price: $12.00
In his 22nd poetry collection, Held explores, with candor and craft, the psychology of perceptual blindness: how, blinded by faith, love, innocence, ego, tradition, prejudice, self-preservation, etc., we blunder through our lives — even as we seek enlightenment; and how such inattention can sometimes work in our favor.
Get Your Brain Fuel: TEN ... more by John Edward Cooper
TEN ... more by John Edward Cooper Poets Wear Prada: October 29, 2016 ISBN-13: 978-0997981124 Paperback: 32 pages List Price: $12.00 Look Inside / Buy on Amazon In France: Blogger Jack Cooper joins the ranks of Dorothy Parker, John Donne and Confucius with his haiku-esque witticisms: “ROMEO AND JULIET, EXPLAINED / You cannot live for love” [Monday, February 11, 2013]; “WORDS FROM A STONE / Both terrible and vain / to have sought love // at a time one felt so little” [Wednesday, March 6, 2013]. No candy-coated sugar pills served here! It seems Cooper’s systematic and objective distillation of his truth serves as an inoculation from fullblown despair. At the pinnacle of disaster, even its perilous aftermath, like a magician he produces the “aha” moment for spiritual uplift and buoyant rebound.
New Fiction From Poets Wear Prada!
Top Cupcake Chronicles by Patricia Carragon Poets Wear Prada: October 13, 2017 ISBN-10: 0997981172 ISBN-13: 978-0997981179 Paperback: 42 pages List Price: $12.00 Look Inside / Buy on Amazon
For her debut fiction collection, Carragon serves up a wickedly delicious baker’s dozen -- thirteen mini-cupcake-size contemporary fables presented as the selected diary entries of a women possessed by her favorite dessert. As she chronicles over a decade of biting into clouds of buttercream, she pokes fun at all we humans hold sacred -- marriage, work, the government, God, and the glorification of our species above all other -- offering us more than sweet confections to sink our teeth into when we enter the alternative universe of her Sweet Dreams Bakeshop.
New Fiction From Poets Wear Prada!
My Secret Life with Chris Noth: And Other Stories by Iris N. Schwartz Poets Wear Prada: October 13, 2017 ISBN-10: 0997981164 ISBN-13: 978-0997981162 Paperback: 58 pagesList Price: $12.00 Look Inside / Buy on Amazon
New Poetry from Poets Wear Prada: What to deflect when you're deflecting by Jason Morphew
What to deflect when you're deflecting by Jason Morphew Poets Wear Prada: Sept. 15, 2017 ISBN-13: 978-0997981186 ISBN-10: 0997981180 Paperback: 44 pages List Price: 12.00 Look Inside / Buy on Amazon
A poet / song-writer on fatherhood — the good, the bad, and the scary — up close in the thick of it and then the birds-eye view. Smart, candid, often wickedly funny. The quirky title, strangely familiar, is a parody of Heidi Murkoff’s best-selling pregnancy guide, What to Expect when You’re Expecting.
Back in Print! Top Teen Greatest Hits by Carol Wierzbicki
Top Teen Greatest Hits by Carol Wierzbicki Poets Wear Prada: June 1, 2009 Re-issued: 2017 ISBN-10: 0981767877 ISBN-13: 978-0981767871 Paperback: 30 pages List Price: $12.00 Look Inside / Buy on Amazon
New Poetry from Poets Wear Prada: Waging Beauty: As the Polar Dreams of Ice by Daniela Gioseffi
Waging Beauty: As the Polar Bear Dreams of Ice by Daniela Gioseffi Poets Wear Prada: March 27, 2017 ISBN-13: 978-0997981155 Paperback: 58 pages List Price: $15.00 Look Inside / Buy on Amazon
2016 Releases: The B Poems by Simon Perchik
The B Poems by Simon Perchik Poets Wear Prada: October 15, 2016 ISBN-13: 978-0692450697 Paperback: 86 pages List Price: $15.00 Look Inside / Buy on Amazon:
YOUR INFIDEL EYES (2nd Edition) by Brant Lyon
Your Infidel Eyes Brant Lyon Poets Wear Prada: 2006, 2016 Paperback: 32 pagnes List Price $12.00 ISBN-10: 0692679332 ISBN-13: 978-0692679333 Look Inside / Buy on Amazon
Phased II by George Held
Phased II poems by George Held Poets Wear Prada: Oct. 18, 2016 ISBN-13: 978-0997981100 Paperback: 38 pages List Price: $12.00 Look Inside / Buy on Amazon:
“Phased II is a kind of love letter written in compressed forms of observation and meditation.” — Michael T. Young, American Book Review, January – April, 2018
The greatest strengths of Phased II are its continuity and its focus. It never strays far from the grip of the moon, and is therefore able to hold a grip on a reader. . . . I suggest reading it, pouring yourself a glass of wine, and then gazing at the moon encouraged by the knowledge that somewhere George Held is probably watching it too. — Benjamin Schmitt, At the Inkwell, January 27, 2017
Have You Seen CindySleigh? by Diane Stiglich
Have You Seen CindySleigh? by Diane Stiglich Poets Wear Prada: Sept. 29, 2016 ISBN-13: 978-0997981117 Paperback: 144 pages List Price: $20.00 Available on Amazon:
Achingly beautiful ... I felt a connection to CindySleigh as if I had entered someone else’s dream and dreamt it myself — the swirls of emotion and imagery lingered long after I closed the book. — Lara Lillibridge, Mom Egg Review
2015 Releases: WORDGLASS by Robert Kramer
Wordglass by Robert Kramer Poets Wear Prada: March 18, 2015 ISBN-13: 978-0615879260 Paperback: 42 pages List Price: $12.00 Available on Amazon:
REMEMBERING CHRIS by Rosalie Calabrese
Remembering Chris by Rosalie Calabrese Poets Wear Prada: March 19, 2015 ISBN-13: 978-0692303795 Paperback: 38 pages List Price: $12.00 Available on Amazon:
2014 RELEASES: CULLING by George Held
Culling: New & Selected Nature Poems by George Held Poets Wear Prada: October 07, 2014 ISBN-13: 978-0615910079 Paperback: 88 pages List Price: $15.00 Available on Amazon:
"Held’s concern for our natural world is felt throughout this contemplative and inspiring collection." -- Daniela Gioseffi, Rain Taxi Review of Books, Winter 2014
"[Held's] work is strong and strikes a fine balance between meditative appreciation and concern, capturing nature’s splendor while noting its impermanence." -- Kirkus Review, Oct. 7th, 2014
MOST LIKELY TO DIE by Hilary Sideris
Most Likely to Die Poems by Hilary Sideris Poets Wear Prada: Sept. 5, 2014 ISBN-13: 978-0692227695 Paperback: 68 pages List Price: $12.00 Available on Amazon:
"[You] can almost hear the first guitar string vibrate, images so sharp you feel as if you could pick out each note played as you listen to his [Keith Richard's] gravelly voice .... What Hilary Sideris has accomplished is an amazing feat; she doesn’t so much as write about Keith Richards as inhabit his very being." -- Linda Lerner, SPR, Jan- Feb 2015
SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND by Daniel Simpson
School for the Blind Poems by Daniel Simpson Poets Wear Prada: October 7, 2014 ISBN-13: 978-0692284575 Paperback: 52pages List Price $12.00 Available on Amazon:
The Beautiful Moment of Being Lost Poems by Michael T. Young Poets Wear Prada: May 7, 2014 ISBN-13: 978-0615971100 Paperback: 88 pages List Price: $15.00 Available on Amazon:
CLOVERLEAF by Geer Austin
Cloverleaf Poems by Geer Austin Poets Wear Prada: January 28, 2014 ISBN-13: 978-0615884776 Paperback: 42 pages List Price: $12.00 Available on Amaon:
LAPIDARY by Richard Marx Weinraub
LAPIDARY by Richard Marx Weinraub Poets Wear Prada: August 31, 2013 ISBN 978-0615833224 Paperback: 70 pages List Price: $15.00
"beautiful and peculiar" -- EDUARDO CORRAL
"a must have" -- EDWARD ODWITT
"stones, semi-precious, precious — stones talk to you, skillfully, convincingly and you believe them, you believe them!" -- THOMAS LUX
BUBBLES: One Conscious Breath by Tantra-zawadi Poets Wear Prada: June 28, 2013 ISBN-13: 978-0615819631 Paperback: 56 pages List Price: $12.00 Available on Amazon:
FUNHOUSE by Efrayim Levenson
FUN HOUSE Poems by Efayim Levenson Release Date: August 2013 ISBN 978-0615848853 Paperback: 42pages List Price: $12.00
"simply explosive in the stark quiet." -- Blanche Mackey-Williams
"a poetic soul-jouney that reverbs through the wildest word riffs" -- David Elsasser
MOVIE LOGIC: Poems by Erik La Prade Release Date: February 2013 ISBN 978-0615761237 Paperback: 36 pages List Price: $12.00
"cinematic verse celebration of urbanity and human tenderness ... life freeze-framed into mise-en-scènes of hilarity and heartbreak" -- ALAN KAUFMAN, author of Drunken Angel
DANCES WITH TEARS By Efayim Levenson Saddle-Stitched Chapbook: 2007 Mass Market Edition: Nov. 2013 ISBN 978-981767833 Paperback: 24 pages List Price: $12.00
"Hearfelt psalms" -- Small Press Review
"A blast of Hasidic bebob ecstacy" -- Craig Fishbane
THE KEY: Lady Grizzly & Sir Charles Otter by Ice Gayle Johnson Release Date: April 6, 2012 ISBN 978-0615606514 Paperback: 42 pages List Price: $12.00 Now available on Amazon:
EUROPA/NIPPON/NEW YORK: Poems/Not-Poems by Joel Allegretti Release Date: March 25, 2012 ISBN 978-0615600208 Paperback: 52 pages $12.00 Now available at Amazon:
TEN by John Edward Cooper
TEN by John Edward Cooper
Poets Wear Prada: Feb 8, 2012
A Wee Chapbook / E-Book
2011 Releases: IN LOVING MEMORY by Roxanne Hoffman
Landscapes of Light Poems by B.E. Kahn Release Date: October 28, 2010 ISBN 978-0-9841844-8-4 Paperback: 34 pages List Price: $12.00 Perfect-Bound Soft Cover Edition Now Available on Amazon
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Life Poems by Tantra-zawadi
THRUM: Poems
by Joel Allegretti
by Chocolate Waters
THRUM Poems by Joel Allegretti (5.5 x 8.5 inches, matt finish) Poets Wear Prada: 2010, 2014 ISBN-13: 978-1497380455 Paperback: 42 pages List Price $12.00 Look Inside / Buy on Amazon
Joel Allegretti draws creatively and knowledgeably from the musical lexicon in Thrum, a work which paints the outline of its subject suggestively, acknowledging and circumventing the shortcomings of language for articulating a total musical experience .... Thrum acknowledges and pays homage to music theory, and illustrates the capacity of poetry for capturing more than just words. -- Daniel Crouch, Liebamour, Issue 3: The Music Issue, Sept. 25, 2011
FOR LINCOLN by Austin Alexis
For Lincoln: & Other Poems by Austin Alexis Poets Wear Prada: March 1, 2010 ISBN 978-0-9841844-3-9 Paperback: 34 pages List Price: $12.00 Look Inside / Buy on Amazon:
Dead Reckoning Poems by Gene Auprey Poets Wear Prada: April 18, 2010 ISBN 978-0-9841844-5-3 Trade Paperback: 50 pages List Price: $15.00 Perfect Bound Edition /w High Gloss Cover from Amazon Saddle-Stitched Edition Available from Lulu
Seriously Serial Poems by John J. Trause Saddle-Stitched Chapbook: 2007 Mass Market Edition: 2014 ISBN-10: 0615863582 ISBN-13: 978-0615863580 Paperback: 40 page List Price: $12.00 Perfect-Bound Soft Cover Now Available from Amazon:
PAYDAY LOANS by Jee Leong Koh
Payday Loans Poems by Jee Leong Koh Saddle-Stitched Chapbook: 2007 Mass Market Edition: 2010 ISBN-13: 978-0981767895 Paperback: 36 pages List Price: $12.00 Perfect-Bound Soft Cover Now Available on Amazon
John on the Chrysler: Poems of Love and Grief by Laura Vookles Saddle-Stitched Chapbook: 2007 Mass Market Edition: 2015 ISBN-10: 061598830X ISBN-13: 978-0615988306 Paperback: 34 pages List Price: $12.00 Perfect-Bound Soft Cover Now Available on Amazon:
Raptor Rhapsody by Susan Maurer Saddle-Stiched Chapbook: 2007 Mass Market Edition: June 19, 2013 ISBN-13: 978-0615650197 Paperback: 24 pages List Price: $12.00 Perfect-Bound Soft Cover Now Available on Amazon:
Lovers and Drag Queens Poems by Austin Alexis Saddle-Stitched Chapbook: 2007 Mass Market Edition: May 7, 2014 ISBN-13: 978-1497401099 Paperback: 30 pages $12.00 Perfect-Bound Soft Cover Now Available on Amazon:
PARENTHESIS by Sheryl H. Simler
Parenthesis Poems by Sheryl H. Simler Paperback: 24 pages List Price: $12.00 ISBN-10: 1514185318 ISBN-13: 978-1514185315 Publication Dates: 2007, 2015 Perfect-Bound Edition Now Available on Amazon:
The Slip by Michael Montlack First Printing (Saddle-Stitched Chapbook): October 2009 Mass Market Edition: 2010 ISBN 978-0-9841844-2-2 Paperback: 32 pages List Price: $12.00 Now Available on Amazon:
LAST CALL by David Elsasser
Last Call by David Elsasser ISBN 978-0-9817678-8-8 Saddle-Stitched Chapbook: 2009 e-book: 30 pages FREE
TWO NAKED FEET by Maria Lisella
Two Naked Feet by Maria Lisella First Printing (Saddle-Stitched Chapbook): September 11, 2009 Mass Market Edition: October 2010 ISBN 978-0-9841844-1-5 Paperback: 24 pages List Price: $12.00 Now Available on Amazon:
Cone Investigates by Bob Heman Saddle-Stitch Chapbook: 2007 E-Book: 2009 ISBN 978-0-9841844-0-8 E-book: 24 pages FREE
DETAILED STILL by Karen Neuberg
Detailed Still by Karen Neuberg First Printing (Saddle-Stitched Chapbook): July 15, 2009 Mass Market Edition: 2010 ISBN 978-0-9817678-6-4 Paperback: 28 pages List Price:$12.00 Now Available on Amazon
2008 RELEASES: SWATCHES by Erik La Prade
Swatches by Erik LaPrade Saddle-Stitched Chapbook: September 1, 2008 Mass Market Edition: 2010 ISBN 978-0-9817678-1-9 Paperback: 26 pages List Price: $12.00 Available on Amazon
Heavenly Bodies by Richard Marx Weinraub
Heavenly Bodies Poems by Richard Marx Weinraub Illustrations by Roxanne Hoffman ISBN 978-0-9817678-4-0 Saddle-Stitched Chapbook: 2008 E-Book: 2008 FREE
GREEN RAIN by Mary Orovan
Green Rain by Mary Orovan First Printing (Saddle-Stitched Chapbook): December 10, 2008 Mass Market Edition: 2010 ISBN 978-0-9817678-5-7 Paperback: 30 pages List Price: $12.00 Buy online at
PHASED by George Held
Phased: Poems, etc. by George Held Saddle-Stitched Chapbook: August 1, 2008 Mass Market Edition: 2010 ISBN: 978-0-9817678-0-2 Paperback: 34 pages List Price: $12.00 Available on Amazon:
"A delightful, entertaining, and attractively presented collection celebrating our sidereal companion, the moon." — Phil Wagner, ICONOCLAST #100, 2008
“These poems work a sort of magic as the pages turn. By the end of the book, one can almost see the pages glow with gentle lunar light. The words remind me to look for the Moon at night, like the face of an old friend.” — John Berbrich, BARBARIC YAWP, Vol. 12, No. 4, October 2008
2008 Releases: GRANDPA'S WINE by Gil Fagiani
Grandpa's Wine by Gil Fagiani ISBN 978-0-9817678-2-6 Soft Cover, Saddle Stitched, 17pp. $8.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Paradise Highway Poems by Peter Chelnik Soft cover, Saddle stitched, 16pp. $6.25 (+ $1.50 S&H)
The Little Book of Fairy Tales & Love Poems by Iris Berman Soft cover, Saddle stitched, 24pp. $10 (+ $1.50 S&H)
2006 RELEASESE: FOUND IN A CORD by Alex O. Bleecker
Found in a Cord Poems by Alex O. Bleecker Soft cover, Saddle stitched, 12 pp. $6.25 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Freak Show by Ricki Stuart
Freak Show Ricki Stuart Soft cover, Saddle stitched, 12 pp. $6.25 (+ $1.50 S&H)