We really enjoy your use of imagery, descriptive language and insight.
Poems by Mary Orovan
ISBN 978-0-9817678-5-7
soft cover, saddle stitch, 20 pp.
$8.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Besides being wonderful poems they have an undercurrent, sometimes a flood-tide of sensuality, Eros and Thanatos, which gives the book a life above and beyond the beautiful words.
—George Spencer, Co-host of ABC No Rio
Mary Orovan was Features Editor of US Camera Magazine, and taught in the Humanities Department at Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY.
Her poems have appeared in Avocet, A Journal of Nature Poems, as well as in Amoskeag, The Fourth River, Freshwater, Hidden Oak, Main Channel Voices, 13th Moon and the two peace anthologies, Poetry for Peace (SandStar Publications, 2002) and Echoes from the Heart, edited by Tycho Thal for the Twin Towers Orphan Fund, 2003.
She's pictured here in a favorite spot in Central Park's wild Ramble where she comes to observe the tapestry of life that informs her work.
Start player below to list to Mary Orovans's reading of her poem "Brash" at the Bowery Poetry Club, NYC on New Year's Day 2008. (Originally published in Avocet, A Journal of Nature Poems, Summer, 2008)
Visit the blog of the Greenwich Village Poets to read Mary Orovan's poem "Brash."
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