Wierzbicki's poems are like early Corso, before the Beats, when he got straight to the point quickly, with great beauty. Her words carry the necessary freight with terrific speed and economy--look how spare and yet terribly lovely "Dorothy's Poem" is--it breaks your heart with absolute efficiency. If poetry is to proceed into the future with any sort of relevancy, this is one way it might do so.
—RON KOLM, co-author of Neo Phobe (with Jim Feast)
Carol Wierzbicki’s TOP TEEN GREATEST HITS is a big hit. In each of her fourteen poems, Ms. Wierzbicki mastered the technique of storytelling through perception and simplicity—her rite of passage to be read and shared by all.
—PATRICA CARRAGON, author of Journey to the Center of My Mind, and host of the Brownstone Poets Reading Series
To read the rest of Ms. Carragon's review in the January 2010 edition of GENTLY READ LITERATURE please follow the link to:
Poems by Carol Wierzbicki
ISBN 978-0-9817678-7-1
soft cover/saddle stitch/15 pp.
$8.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Photo Credit: Pieter van Hattem
Carol Wierzbicki has run poetry reading series at ABC No Rio and elsewhere in New York City. Her work has been published in Long Shot, The Cafe Review, Public Illumination, and Evergreen Review, and in the Unbearables anthologies Unbearables (1995), Crimes of the Beats (1998), and Help Yourself! (2002), published by Autonomedia. She also is an editor of the Unbearables anthology, The Worst Book I Ever Read (Autonomedia). She compiled and edited Stories from the Infirmary (Universal Publishers,1999), an anthology of fiction and poetry on chronic illness. Her book reviews have appeared in The Brooklyn Rail and American Book Review.
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