George Held's inexhaustible subject is the moon in all its phases, and he treats it with a quiet ear-pleasing lyricism and an impressive range. His moons shine on the world, and, bathed in their various lights, his imagination shines on the subjects it conjures and illuminates.
—Michael Graves, Illegal Border Crosser (Cervená Barva Press)
and Adam and Cain (Black Buzzard Press)

ISBN 978-0-9817678-0-2
Soft Cover, Perfect Bound, 34 pp.
George Held |
George Held is the author of 10 poetry collections and the editor of the anthology Touched by Eros. A five-time nominee for the Pushcart Prize, he has published his stories, poems, book reviews, and translations in such places as The Philadelphia Inquirer, Circumference, The Notre Dame Review, Commonweal, Connecticut Review, and Confrontation. His most recent poetry chapbook, The Art of Writing and Others, appeared in September 2007 from Finishing Line Press. In December 2007, his poem “Aftermath” was read by Garrison Keillor on The Writer’s Almanac. He has co-edited The Ledge Poetry and Fiction Magazine since 1991, the same year he joined the executive board of The South Fork Natural History Society and Museum (Bridgehampton, NY). A Fulbright lecturer in Czechoslovakia 1973-76, he retired as a professor of English at Queens College in 2004. Held resides in Greenwich Village with his wife, Cheryl.
To watch a video of George Held reading his poetry visit Poetryvlog.com
To watch a video of George Held reading his poetry visit Poetryvlog.com

The Full Pink Moon
O Moon, you’re about the right distance
From Earth, far enough to avoid the stinks
And turmoils but too far to smell the flowers
Or see their yellows, reds, and pinks
Or witness Earthlings’ occasional kindness
And not too far to view a nuclear holocaust
Or a sand storm in the growing desert
If it’s on the side that’s facing you.
How I love to see your bland face
Rising above it all, like a discus
Or Communion wafer or sign of God’s
Indifference or maybe of His
Or Her distant benevolence,
If the pious even notice
You. Just stay where you are,
Hanging out up there in the black,
So blank yet so mimetic,
So void yet so iconic.
April's full moon gets its name from the herb moss pink,
is one of the earliest widespread flowers of spring

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