Poets Wear Prada is a poetry publishing house with excellent poets and affordable books with beautiful covers. Have you had your poetry today?--Meredith Sue Willis, Books for Readers * * * Stylistically, these beautifully designed and produced chapbooks bear their own distinctive signature.--Linda Lerner, SMALL PRESS REVIEW

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sun May 23 Allegretti Rises Like a Phoenix, Serving Up Bengal Curry & Poetry!

O'kay, maybe Allegretti doesn't quite rise like a phoenix in the morning, especially on Sunday. But he will be serving up some great poetry from his new collection THRUM, recently released from Poets Wear Prada, and other work. And joining him will be Tom Oleszchuk and host Mike Graves. You don't want to miss this triple treat! Plus the Indian food is good and reasonably priced.

Sun., May 23:




Bengal Curry
65 West Broadway
New York, NY 10007-2292

Between Murray and Warren.
1 1⁄2 blocks below Chambers St

Take the 1, 2, 3, A, C or E trains to Chambers Street

Hosted by Mike Graves & George Spencer

*An Open Mic, if time permits, will be at the Discretion of the Hosts*

This Sunday will be another great experience at the Phoenix Reading @ Bengal Curry. If you love poetry you will not want to miss it. If you love Indian food, including the best naan in NYC, you will not want to miss it. If you love both you will be in Nirvana.

About the Featured Writers:

Joel Allegretti is the author of two full-length collections from The Poet's Press: The Plague Psalms which appeared in 2000 and is now in its third edition and Father Silicon which appeared in 2006. In March 2010 Poets Wear Prada published his third collection, Thrum, a chapbook of poems, prose poems and brief poetic essays about musical instruments. Allegretti’s work has appeared in Art/​Life Limited Editions, Rattapallax, New York Quarterly, Descant, The Laurel Review, Margie, Confrontation, Xcp Cross-Cultural Poetics, Slipstream and many other journals. He is represented in the anthology Chance of a Ghost (Helicon Nine Editions, 2005, and his poem in that collection received an Honorable Mention in the 2006 edition of The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, published by St. Martin’s Press. His website is http://www.joelallegretti.com/

Tom Oleszczuk has published his verse in New Press Quarterly, Medicinal Purposes, Pivot, Poetalk (California), Brownstone Poets Anthology, and others, including online at RogueScholars.com. He has been featured throughout New York City and has written several chapbooks, the latest being Time Out for Good Behavior and A Million Tons of Rubble. Tom recently won an Honorable Mention in the Lucidity International Clarity Poetry Competition. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife Heidi and their 4 cats.

Michael Graves is the author of a full-length collection, Adam and Cain (Black Buzzard, 2006) and two chapbooks, Illegal Border Crosser (Cervana Barva, 2008) and Outside St. Jude’s (R. E. M. Press, 1990). In two thousand four (2004), he was the recipient of a grant of four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500.00) from the Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation. He has published the third issue of his magazine PHOENIX.

Have you had your poetry today?

THRUM: Poems by Joel Allegretti (PWP, 2010
Poems by Joel Allegretti
ISBN 978-0-9841844- 4-6
Soft Cover, Saddle Stitched, 40 pp.
$12.00 (+ $1.50 S&H)
Release Date: March 2010

"In Thrum Joel Allegretti, deftly and delightfully, strums his magical musical instrument, which is poetry, as he forges fresh forms of songs and stories that are inspired by strummers' strings. 'Context is everything,' Allegretti reminds us, and we’re planted in the heart of a global ancient/modern orchestra. Prepare yourself for the revelatory performance."

Martine Bellen
Author of Tales of Murasaki and Other Poems,
1997 National Poetry Series selection

"Joel Allegretti's latest collection of poems is as enjoyable as it is different. Thrum takes the reader on a journey that explores known musical instruments, such as the mandolin, dulcimer and fiddle, as well as some not-so-known instruments, such as the oud, koto and theorbo. But what makes this journey unique is that each instrument is in a sense personified as the emotive element of each instrument is brought to life. Allegretti does a wonderful job tuning every poem so that the music of each instrument is realized again and again in the words on the page. An intriguing and must read for anyone who has a sense of all that culminates in the commingling of the arts."

Raymond Hammond
Editor, The New York Quarterly

C/O Roxanne Hoffman
533 Bloomfield Street - 2nd Floor
Hoboken, NJ 07030

POETS WEAR PRADA is a small press based in Hoboken, New Jersey devoted to introducing new authors through limited edition, high-quality chaplets, primarily of poetry.

Proud Member of CLMP

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