Poets Wear Prada is a poetry publishing house with excellent poets and affordable books with beautiful covers. Have you had your poetry today?--Meredith Sue Willis, Books for Readers * * * Stylistically, these beautifully designed and produced chapbooks bear their own distinctive signature.--Linda Lerner, SMALL PRESS REVIEW

Friday, August 26, 2011

Read Poetry from Poets Wear Prada on Your iPhone

Hoboken, NJ, August 25, 2011 -- With three poetry titles now available on Apple's iBookstore, Poets Wear Prada expands its entry into the eBook market. "Dead Reckoning," a 50-page full-length poetry collection by Gene Auprey, originally released as a paperback last year, April 2010, recently joined the two chapbook titles already listed in the iBookstore catalogue -- "Thrum: Poems by Joel Allegretti" and "Gathered at Her Sky: Life Poems" by Tantra-zawadi. The iBook titles sell at a significant discount off the list price for the corresponding paperback editions -- iBook versions of the two chapbooks list at $4.99 -- an almost 60% savings off the paperback editions which each sell for $12  -- while Auprey's full-length collection sells for $8.99, about a 40% discount off the paperback version which lists for $15.  And of course there is never any shipping and handling.

Roxanne Hoffman, Founder and Senior Editor at Poets Wear Prada, was curious to see how well the books would transition to Apple's popular personal hand-held mobile devices.  She enlisted the assistance of Ms. Patricia Carragon, who curates the Brownstone Poets reading in Brooklyn, and who spent last summer working as a Marketing Intern for Poets Wear Prada, and owns a iPhone.  Ms. Carragon agreed and after first registering for iTunes, she downloaded the free iBooks app to her iPhone and then samples of the two chapbook titles from the iBookstore to take a look.

Patricia Carragon with her iPhone's personal iBookstore Library.
"Thrum: Poems" by Joel Allegretti Front Cover Display on Ms. Carragon's iPhone

Her first response "OMG, this is so cute! You've got to see the little bookshelf!" Today, Ms. Hoffman got to do just that when the two met in NYC's Little Korea at Kum Gang San for lunch and snapped the photos shown here.  Ms. Carragon was not able to display the cover for "Gathered at Her Sky" due to the WIFI  traffic at the busy restaurant but Ms. Hoffman was able to scroll through the sample pages with just a touch to the iPhone's  screen.  While she found taking photos of the luminous iPhone screen "challenging" she said she did not find it a challenge to read the sample interior pages for the iBooks.  "I'm not sure if this is the  best way to read a detective story or a best selling novel but for short poetry like  the haiku Patricia Carragon often writes and for micro fiction  -- what I like to call "subway stories" -- anything short enough to read as you commute standing up in crowded rush-hour mass transit -- it works and completely makes sense in  today's fast-paced environment and for the constantly texting and gaming on-the-go 'digital natives' of  Generation Z."

Ms. Carragon's haiku response: "iPhone library/easy reading/on a mini shelf."  Her third book, "Cupcake Chronicles," a chapbook length collection of micro fiction, will be published by Poet Wear Prada this winter. "iPad and iPhone users, keep a look out for this perfect additon to your iBookstore library," advises Ms. Hoffman.

About Poets Wear Prada:

Poets Wear Prada is a small press based in Hoboken, New Jersey, devoted to introducing new authors through high-quality chapbooks primarily of poetry, since October 2006. Visit us online at pwpbooks.blogspot.com. "Have you had your poetry today?"

Poets Wear Prada
Roxanne Hoffman
poetswearprada at myway dot com

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